
Nottingham Triathlon Club is run and managed by a management committee made up of officers elected by the club’s members at the Annual General Meeting. Each officer serves for a 2 year term before requiring re-election. All club officers are volunteers and receive no remuneration for their participation in the management committee. 

In addition to the roles below the club also has a Covid-19 officer who is responsible for ensuring all training is conducted in accordance with the relevant Covid guidelines.

There are many opportunities for volunteers to help with the running of the club. If you would like to get involved get in touch with us at

Mike McCabe


Susan Wheatcroft

Vice Chair

Mary Yeadon


Liz French


Phil Gutteridge

Head Coach

Dawn Thatcher

Welfare Officer

Cary Hadfield

Membership Secretary

Nick Critchley

Venue Bookings

Chris Thorne

Social Secretary

Susan Wheatcroft

Social Secretary

Mary Yeadon

Club Kit Coordinator

Anna Read

Committee Member