Covid Guidance for Coached Group Activity
These guidelines replace all previous versions and apply to adult and junior coached sessions.
- Download these guidelines as a document (Adobe pdf)
The club continues to aim to deliver high-quality coaching in a Covid-secure manner. Government restrictions have been considerably relaxed but will be updated as necessary, possibly with tightening of restrictions.
We ask all coaches, athletes and accompanying parents/family members to follow the recommendations below:
Consider wearing a mask in inside areas, especially if they are crowded, not well ventilated and if the venue requests you to do so.
Wash your hands regularly with soap and hot water and use hand gel regularly after touching surfaces or shared facilities.
Consider social distancing where possible, particularly in inside areas, especially if they are crowded, not well ventilated or if the venue requests you to do so.
Avoid sharing equipment.
Stick to our on-line pre-booking system for adult sessions.
Notify the club Covid Officer with any questions or concerns about attending coached sessions related to Covid.
Do not attend training if you have any symptoms of Covid; for symptoms of a cough, high temperature or altered sense of taste or smell; please self-isolate and book a PCR test.
Do not attend training with active cold/flu symptoms even if you have a negative PCR result.
Do not attend training if you have received a positive lateral flow test or PCR test until your self-isolation period has completed.
Notify the Covid Officer if you receive a positive Covid diagnosis within 48 hours of attending a club session.
Give the club e-mail address: if asked for contact details by the Test and Trace service.
Consider conducting regular (normally twice weekly) home lateral flow tests to monitor for any asymptomatic Covid infection.
Close Contacts attending training
Government guidance allows adults who are fully vaccinated or juniors aged below 18 years and 6 months to be exempt from self-isolation when being in close contact with a positive contact. A PCR test is recommended to be taken as soon as possible. If this is negative you are advised to consider:
- Limiting close-contact with other people outside your household, especially in enclosed spaces.
- Wearing a mask in enclosed spaces and where you are unable to maintain social distancing.
- Take part in regular Lateral Flow testing, at least twice a week and as often as daily if possible.
We therefore ask that those who are identified as close-contacts of a positive case, especially if it is a household contact do not train for the ten day period after the close-contact with the positive case.
Follow self-isolation and testing guidance if you are notified that you are a close-contact of a positive case.
Please contact the Covid Officer for any help with interpreting guidance for your situation.
Notify your coach if you are recovering from recent Covid infection and ensure that you self-monitor your ability to train. Many people require a period of gentler physical activity and longer recovery periods after being unwell.
November 2021
© Nottingham Triathlon Club